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Add the monkey making kit to your order and try to make your own mascot! [view] We encourage you to try to make your own sock monkey. Sewing monkeys teach us patience, gives a lot of joy, and the final result gives great satisfaction. You'll find iy out soon :) ATTENTION. For safety, we recommend giving the monkey to children over 3 years old. The buttons that are part of the monkey could be swallowed, which would cause choking. To create a mascot you will need: monkey parts, filling, scissors, a needle, thread and pins, 2 buttons, a pen, sushi sticks or something else that will help you push out - a mass of positive energy <3 Fill the trunk and legs through the hole, if you want the monkey to be slim and the filling spread out well, roll the body and legs from time to time. If you feel that each element is already sufciently filled, sew up the hole. Fill the handle with the material, repeat the rolling process here as well. Using the pins, baste the face from above where you want to place it. Then sew the upper part of the face and sides, leaving a hole at the bottom for filling (cuttings). Insert the filling, and then sew the remaining part of the face. Sew the handles to the side of the torso, gently below faces, method - at the discretion Fold the bottom two corners of the ear and sew them so that they resemble tortellini dumplings, then sew them to the torso just above the smiley face. Stuff the tail - this is one of the most difcult activities because the tail is very narrow, if you feel that it may go wrong, do not push it and sew it immediately, you know where: D This is the last straight eyes and lips. The eyes are made of buttons, the crazier the happier our monkey will be, the lips will always fall into a smile, the best will be made with chain stitch. 8. Name your monkey and share it with us. Show off your creation on Instagram by tagging us @manymornings and adding #manyhugs. Thank you! You are super!
Fill the trunk and legs through the hole, if you want the monkey to be slim and the filling spread out well, roll the body and legs from time to time. If you feel that each element is already sufficiently filled, sew up the hole. Using the pins, baste the face from above where you want to place it. Then sew the upper part of the face and sides, leaving a hole at the bottom for filling (cuttings). Insert the filling, and then sew the remaining part of the face. Fold the bottom two corners of the ear and sew them so that they resemble tortellini dumplings, then sew them to the torso just above the smiley face. Add the monkey making kit to your order and try to make your own mascot! [view] We encourage you to try to make your own sock monkey. Sewing monkeys teach us patience, gives a lot of joy, and the final result gives great satisfaction. You'll find iy out soon :) ATTENTION. For safety, we recommend giving the monkey to children over 3 years old. The buttons that are part of the monkey could be swallowed, which would cause choking. Sew the handles to the side of the torso, gently below faces, method - at the discretion This is the last straight eyes and lips. The eyes are made of buttons, the crazier the happier our monkey will be, the lips will always fall into a smile, the best will be made with chain stitch. To create a mascot you will need: monkey parts, filling, scissors, a needle, thread and pins, 2 buttons, a pen, sushi sticks or something else that will help you push out - a mass of positive energy <3 Fill the handle with the material, repeat the rolling process here as well. Stuff the tail - this is one of the most difcult activities because the tail is very narrow, if you feel that it may go wrong, do not push it and sew it immediately, you know where: D 8. Name your monkey and share it with us. Show off your creation on Instagram by tagging us @manymornings and adding #manyhugs. Thank you! You are super!

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