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What makes a movie night successful? Popcorn socks!

"Hey, have you seen the new movie yet?" A few years ago, after asking such a question, you would have arranged to meet for the showing at your favorite cinema. Today, however, this approach is only one of many options. Because popcorn socks can now be enjoyed both at home and out with family and friends. Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime present the film world to us in a modern way - accessible at any time with one click. When Sylvester Stallone was still wearing tiger socks, such technical advancements were unthinkable. For all movie maniacs, today's options are the perfect alternative. Nowadays you don't have to ask the above mentioned question and have to leave the house. Even if your best friend lives thousands of kilometers away, you can host a video-on-demand party and watch the same blockbuster at the same time. Of course, in addition to delicious snacks, popcorn socks are absolutely essential! So no matter if at the cinema or on the sofa, colorful socks belong on the feet of any real film fanatic!

Sweet or salty? Popcorn socks have the answer

When we first turned on the sewing machine for our popcorn socks design, basic questions came up. Are we making a sweet or salty treat for the toes? If you look at our food socks, it becomes clear that every market in which sock fans take to the streets in Many Mornings, has its own preferences. When it comes to heated corn, however, it comes down to a black or white decision: either sweet or salty! While most of Europe is into salty popcorn, Germans are pretty much alone with a preference for the sugared version. Only in Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium are they also enthusiastic about it. If you look across the ocean, you'll find another variant in the United States: salt and butter. Does the fatty substance meant for bread, really go well with our popcorn socks? It gets very exotic in Japan. The Asian island nation likes it with seaweed and shrimp flavor. We probably wouldn't even have thought to put on socks with seafood for movie night. One thing can be said in summary: you can experiment just as much with popcorn as with socks from Many Mornings.

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