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Watermelon socks quench your thirst

Is there a juicier and at the same time healthier snack than the blood-red flesh of the Citrullus Lantus fruit? Watermelon socks are such a real treat that make us dream of summer days. In the warm season, the fruit is a welcome refreshment, as the high water content hydrates the body and cools it from the inside. Although they're almost as juicy as strawberry socks or cherry socks, the watermelon contains little sugar. Our watermelon socks depict the best-known representative of the melons, but fans of honey, galia, net, futoro or cantaloupe melon also love this colorful design. You just can’t get enough!

Are watermelons a fruit or a vegetable?

Watermelon contains a similar amount of lycopene as tomatoes. But this is not the only parallel to the red fruit. Because isn't a tomato a vegetable? Both designs would feel right at home among our food socks. However, the reality is that tomatoes are fruits, although you can usually find it alongside vegetables in the supermarket. But what does that have to do with melons? Watermelons are also up for discussion as they belongs to the cucurbit family. This delicious design does not depict fruit, but actually a vegetable. By the way, the definition depends on the survival time of the plant. If it’s able to grow fruit for many years, then it’s a fruit. If, on the other hand, the plant dies after the harvest or has to be sown again after two years at the latest, it is a vegetable. Even fans of Plant Socks can't keep veggies alive much longer. Whether it's fruit or veg, these socks are a treat!

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