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Sloth socks for lazy mornings

Sunday morning is a day for resting after a hard week (and maybe also a hard Friday and Saturday night?) and a time to temporarily justify our laziness. Still bundled up in the warm of our beds, we receive the first rays of sun on our face and think "I don't have to do anything today”, "the whole day is open to me". It’s even harder to get out of bed when you’re wearing sloth socks. However, all you need to wake you up is a hot cup of Dark Espresso and maybe the sound of the rainforest in the background. This way you will totally feel the zen vibe of a Sunday morning, and will feel as if you are in a tropical climate surrounded by sloths and colorful Parrots. And if somehow you gather up the energy to do something on this lazy day, then maybe sloth socks aren’t for you anymore and you need to reach into the drawer for something to reflect your more active side, when you go for a slow Fast Foot. Do you know how to have a better morning than starting with a stack of blueberry pancakes or fried eggs with bacon? After such a breakfast you’ll probably be in a food coma, and will need to lay down on the sofa in sloth socks.

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