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Go into nature in camping socks

Go out into nature and set off on your adventure. But wait, aren’t you forgetting something? Camping socks are a mandatory accessory, along with your tent and sleeping bag. Because roasting marshmallows or sausages over the fire is better in trendy footwear. If you only think of pocket knives and backpacks when thinking of equipment for the outdoors, you have forgotten one thing. It is our feet that carry us all of life. Especially if you are not traveling in an Adventure Balloon, but on foot. In addition to the right footwear, camping socks are also an important choice. You can wear these socks in the natural environment whether you decide to go glamping of you are in the pure wilderness surrounded by trees and animals. It is important to stay connected to Mother Nature. And what is the best way to do it? Slip into camping socks and show your love for nature!

Camping socks are reminiscent of scout times

For many there was that point in their childhood when they wanted to join the Girl or Boy Scouts. Some of us did it, others only sporadically went into the forest in camping socks. This educational movement for children and young people is open to all nationalities and beliefs. It is our little ones who are interested in children's socks. The scout movement is based on the idea of ​​the British General Baden-Powell. It is well known that camping socks played an important role as early as 1907, the year it was founded. According to the British method, an aspiring scout goes through different levels, in which he/she has to prove themselves. Challenges with oneself and with nature must be accepted and dealt with. This is how a tiger earns its stripes. With camping socks these memories of sleeping in tents, outdoor campfires and s'mores come back to everyday life, even if there is not enough time for a weekend trip to the mountains.

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