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Burger socks with bacon, tomato and cheese?

There is one classic among our socks with food that divides opinions. Because most have a love hate relationship with burger socks, where as others prefer to distance themselves. Surely everyone has discovered a passion for quick American-style food at some point in their life. At least that's how we think at Many Mornings. After all, it's hard for all members of our sock family to be interested in the nutritional values ​​of avocados. However, lay a slice of avocado on a burger bun, between the cheese and tomato and you’ll have a mouth watering sensation. Burger socks are a statement that underline the love for juicy patties when the frying pan is not in sight. You might think of the classic BigMac or Whopper right away. But now there are also many plant-based specimens on menus that are just as tasty. We all have a heart for classic or vegetarian/vegan burgers, right?

People from Hamburg love burger socks

The love for hamburgers is very obvious, but what about their origin? One might think, that being the national food of America, that they originate there, however one would be wrong. The relationship between burger socks is actually with the metropolis in the north of Germany - Hamburg. The etymology clearly shows that the vote is not related to pig socks. Although, the English word “ham” would fit here, but not it’s not related! Rather, it is worth taking a look at the migration movements of the late 19th century. Immigrants from the city of Hamburg introduced the Americans to fried minced meat. The starting thread for burger socks was spun with it. The development of the Hamburger in the US only started after the 1904 World Exhibition in St. Louis. Some even see close relation to barbeque time in this motif. However, we have dedicated a very special motif to the BBQ passion. Of course, there are also other theories that we cannot shed light on. In conclusion, however, burger socks have always been fascinating. They are indispensable in the kitchen and in the sock drawer.

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