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Artistic socks

Artistic socks


Artistic socks – paintings, artists and lots of inspiration

What should artistic socks have on them? Paintings of course! And the most famous artists of the most notable works of art in the world too! At Many Mornings, we realize that a daily dose of creativity, inspiration and excellent art can change a boring morning into a happy day, full of great mood. That is why we have created artistic socks, so that you can connect with art on a daily basis (even if you’re not an expert in it).

Our artistic socks give you the opportunity to create your own art gallery in… your closet. Isn't that a convincing vision? Every morning, you can go to your closet and choose the style that will accompany you on your day. Impressionism? We got you covered. Surrealism? Sometimes only it will be able to help you survive another day in a corporation. Cubism? Although seemingly disorganized, it will give each outfit a specific character. We could continue listing these artistic movements, however, what’s most important is to choose your own style – and artistic socks, like no other, are able to accentuate it.

Create your own art gallery with artistic socks

Whose paintings and portraits are included in our sock lineup of the world's greatest artists? At the head, is Picassocks, with characteristic elements of Pablo Picasso’s paintings, depicting the deconstruction of various motifs – including famous works of art. Another model, True Vincent was mastered to portray the true artistic talents of Vincent van Gogh – with red hair, sunflowers, the night sky, and – of course, without an ear. Next, between flowing clocks and long-legged elephants, Salvadorable Dali is flaunting his jet-black curled mustache. Another artist who is part of our mismatched socks art gallery is Frida Kahlo. Feel Frida, who is looking at the world with a penetrating gaze, from under dark characteristic eyebrows, drawing inspiration for her paintings of nature and Mexican relics.

We believe that every form of art should be present on the streets. Therefore, we took some pieces from art galleries and put them onto mismatched socks, to observe how great artists and their works function as everyday artifacts.
If this sounds like an introduction to an art history textbook to you, then… you’re right. The combination of these two spheres – marvelous works and clothing accessories – may seem bold, but in fact it perfectly fulfills one of the most important tasks that artists set before themselves, namely … diversifying, beautifying and coloring the everyday life of their viewers. This means you!

Artistic socks and famous paintings

Who are these socks the perfect gift for? The paintings appearing on this fashion accessory will surely please art connoisseurs and people who love beautiful accessories and are curious about the world. A present in the form of socks can also be an impulse to start your adventure of getting to know the contents of museums and galleries. Of course, you can also gift artistic socks to yourself. As a present for passing an exam, having a good day, painting a portrait or completely without any reason – they will also work well then.

What can you wear artistic socks with? They don’t only have to be worn with artistic stylizations. They'll also complement pants stained with paint and a jacket that fell victim to a colorful paint brush. Imagine how epic these socks will look when paired with sweatpants, or even with a little black dress! Because that's what it's all about – socks with paintings and portraits of notable painters who went against the trends, can become a pretext for fashion experiments – and not only!

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Designed and
produced in EU

Free delivery
from 35€

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Currently sold
in 28 countries

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