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Rubber ducks and coding socks go together

In software engineering, rubberducking is a method of debugging code by explaining the problem of the bug as if speaking to a duck. However, there’s a big debate whether the solution comes easier wearing coding socks or duck socks. We’ll let you decide that one! Coders or developers can work in the frontend or backend of a website. The former is programming which focuses on the the client side, meanwhile the latter focuses on the server side. There’s a joke in the Many Mornings IT team that if you’re in the Frontend team you wear your coding socks the proper way, but if you are in the Backend team you wear them inside out. How will you wear them?

Learn languages in coding socks

If you're looking for coffee socks or snake socks you’ve you’re probably a novice when it comes to programming. No worries, by wearing coding socks you’ll discover that Python is not a snake and Java is not a coffee. They are languages! Not languages like Spanish or French, they are programming languages learnt best wearing coding socks! Python is a high-level and general-purpose language that focuses on code readability. Java is used by developers for web apps' back-end interfaces or general service application programming interfaces. Sounds confusing right? If programming socks aren’t for you, maybe it’s worth taking up a different profession and wearing other and wearing other socks for work

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