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Put on wolf socks, winter is coming

There is genetic evidence that dog socks are descendents of strong>wolf socks and that the domestication of the dog took place several times over the course of history. Wolves or Canis Lupus in latin arose in the middle of the great Ice Age about 1 million years ago, however wolf socks are a quite new species, emerging only in 2022. Have you ever ventured into the forest at night, perhaps as a scout wearing scout socks, and been scared that you’d run into a wolf? At scout camps they teach you that the best way to protect yourself against wolf attacks is by building a fire. Some wolves, however at least in fictional TV shows, can become your loving companions. Just look at the Stark siblings in Game of Thrones, each of which chose their own wolf cub to protect them. So, whether you are more like Arya, Bran or Sansa, you have to have wolf socks on your adventure into the forest.

A girl in a red hood and wolf socks

Wolves have been the subjects of many folklore stories and fairytales throughout the world; both in their actual form as well as their mythical werewolf form. Were you ever scared of transforming into a werewolf during the full moon? Don’t worry, in wolf socks you can put these superstitions to rest. Growing up you also probably heard your fair share of wolf fairytales like Little Red Riding Hood or The 3 Little Pig. In the former, the little girl was picking mushroom socks in the forest and was eaten by a wolf. If she had been wearing wolf socks she probably could’ve avoided that. In the latter, the 3 little pigs were building their houses, one from straw, one from sticks and one from brick. Only the house built out of brick survived the huffing and puffing of the wolf. You probably can figure out which pigs were wearing pig socks and which one was wearing wolf socks.

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